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Perjalan Mimpih Ibunda White Pigeon

Story of Maryam

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Story of Maryam

By night we walked,
Many men few women,
Seek refuge in the wilderness!
From the evil Government,
Miles and miles away,
Found the house of Mary, a little wood on the hill.

I laid my palm on the wood,
O Mirror of the Mist!
Where is Maryam of this house?
Then my image appeared,
In the Mirror of Genesis.

Suddenly, Maryam came from behind me,
O Mother Maryam, You came!

Hold her hands with my hands,
A beautiful teenage girl image,
Awestruck by her long braided hair,
Four braids in ONE?
What could that means?

Maryam, the pious dedicated women,
Her story mentioned in the Quran.

One day Hannah saw a bird,
Feeding its chicks
Wife of Emran was barrenness,
So she prayed,
Lord! I pledged to You my WOMB for Your service.

Lord accepted, granted her a child
‘O Lord, female is not like a male’,
(Sadness in her voice)
‘You knew better what comes forth,
I seek refuge with You,
For her and her offsprings from Satan!’

She wrapped the baby, took to the Temple
They asked, ‘What is this you bring, Hannah?’
‘I committed her to service the Lord’.

All of them looked at Zechariah, who will SPONSOR?
They had a draw, threw pens in a river
All pens sunk except Zechariah’s
It went against the current of the water
So she became his ward,
He looked after her sustainence.

Everytime he enter Mary’s mihrab
He found her supplied with fruits.
‘O Maryam, where did you get this?’,
‘This from the Lord, He provides whomever He wants without measure’.

Maryam portraits and bows to the Almighty
He the Provider and the Sustainer
Nourishes her in magical way
From the day she was born.

Allah has no wife, no begotten son
She, the Messenger, the Servant of Allah
The While Lighter of White Knowledge
Bring forth a mission of His Will.


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